Wednesday, November 26th, 2014
Sunday saw our third workshop in operation – this time it was ‘Make a Two Way Bag’ and me and instructor Debs had a great time. There was lots of laughing and chatting and the inevitable biscuits, and everyone managed to produce very professional looking bags. Even though all were following the same pattern, the choice of fabrics and notions were such that everyone ended up with something unique – and isn’t that what sewing is all about? We have only three workshops left now before Christmas (have a peek at our workshop page to see what they are) but we’ve got some very exciting things coming for 2015 – my little shop is going to be extremely busy.Here are a selection of pictures from the day.
Mags was first to show off her wares. Here she is with instructor Debs.
Then here come the rest. From left to right: Debs (with Lorraine, Georgina’s mum peaking over her shoulder), Avril, Georgina, Sam and another mags. What a wonderful array of bags. Well done everyone.
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