Sunday, September 7th, 2014
Saturday the 6th of September saw sewing shop Guthrie and Ghani deck the halls with bunting, bring out the cake and throw it’s doors open to the masses. Why I hear you ask? Well, shop owner and Sewing Bee 2013 finalist Lauren Guthrie was celebrating her new book ‘Learn to Sew with Lauren’ hitting the shelves and I for one was keen to get my hands on a copy. So I was happy to make the five hour round trip to Birmingham to join in with the jollity. I’d pre-ordered my (signed) book which entitled me to a free mini workshop while I was there too – I made a really sweet hair bow which is one of the patterns in the book . I also drank coffee, ate cake and chatted with fellow sewers who were all there to do the same thing. Lauren was her usual helpful and inspiring self and clearly in a state of euphoria that so many people had taken the time to pop in to wish her well. I’ve had a quick flick through my book – which came with a lovely ribbon book mark hand made by Lauren, and it looks great. There are projects for the home, accessories and also for those who want to make clothes. She’s made sure everything is explained clearly and the aim of the book is to take those new to sewing right from the beginner stages to being able to sew more advanced projects. I’m no beginner but I’m still looking forward to having a go at some of the projects – they are all so great. Here are some pics of the day.My copy of the book:
Me and Lauren with the sweet bow hair grip I made at the mini workshop:
My fellow sewers busy making something lovely
And finally the cake!
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