Monday, July 28th, 2014
Don’t you just love it when you see people getting inspired to sew? It’s happened to me this month with two of my nearest and dearest. First, my long time friend Judi. Normally a resident of Turkey (lucky girl) Judi bought a sewing machine a year ago, just after I’d been for a visit and she’d clapped eyes on some of my home made lovelies. But alas the sewing machine has lain dormant due to time constraints and the difficulty in finding nice fabrics in her local shops. However a recent spell visiting family in the UK has resulted in Judi really catching the bug – probably a result of me banging on about sewing all day long. Cue one visit to a fabric stall and a spell on my sewing machine and Judi had whipped up a lovely little dress for her daughter’s goddaughter Claudia. Pretty impressive and doesn’t she look pretty? Judi now has a full case of fabric to lug back to Turkey – but first she has a wedding outfit to finish. Talk about a fast learner!And then there was my son Lars. Heavily into his fashion, he announced, out of the blue that he fancied having a go at making his own clothes. Talk about jumping in at the deep end, there wasn’t any of that buying pattern malarky going on here. Oh no. It was straight in with making a trouser block and designing his own trousers (thanks to my dressmaking instuctor Kate for her help with this). Here he is wearing a toile made from an old bed sheet. Pretty good fit eh? The real deal are much narrower in the leg and made of lovely wool fabric – Vivienne Westwood style. Watch out here for the finished article – they are still under the machine at the moment. Well done Lars – not bad for someone who didn’t even know how to thread a needle before all this! Lets sew folks.
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